Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Questions I Answered

  • What do you think about dreams?

I think that dreams are definately one's subcontious manifesting itself. I think that dreams are important to pay attention to.
  • Do you do well around blood? Does it make you squirmy?

I can deal with blood very easily. Like with most things, I just figure I can wash it off later...
  • What are some things that can almost always make your day better? Do you find yourself having a lot of bad days or good days?

Lately sleeping is the only thing that's been really easy or pleasurable to me, oh, that and drinking sprite. Sleep has been really hard to come by at reasonable times, though. Lately, I've been having a horrid time, but I think that's about to pass. Problems are very temporal in many senses,
  • What do you think it means to be in love?

I think 'love' can be defined many many ways...but, come to think of it, I don't really know what I think about "being in love"- I just know that when that happens, the likelyhood that you're going to get really messed up goes up around 58234908572908%. It's scary.
  • Pick a song that projects the same mood as you day or week and explain.

Unwell-Matchbox 20
I've just been having a hard time dealing with changes and 'growing up' and all that it entails. I feel pretty beat up and tired and unable to function as a 'normal' person at this point. (Ah, youth)
  • How would you describe the city you live in? How's your neighborhood?

Well, I just moved (again, as usual) and I really don't know. It's pretty cool, so far. I think it'll be a good time here, once I calm down and get a grip... I live in a dorm and it's niiiiiiiice. I am pleased at my housing.
  • How would you describe your clothing style? Is there a specific reason why you dress the way you do?

I wear a lot of black.  I tend to buy black shoes, dresses, leggings, tights, shirts, jackets etc. I don't know. I like well constructed things, with pretty harsh lines, and linear qualities (all vertical, as I'm short). I love empire-waist skirts that are a few inches above my knees to break up the rigid lines of my usual tops. I like to wear heels, but it's not practical, really. I love to mix textures, rather than colors, but if I wear colors, I stick to mostly blues, olive green and varying hues of gray. I try to make myself look put together, and as tailored as possible, but lately, I've just been looking like a wreck. I don't feel brave/sane enough to put anything together. Also, it's been too hot to think about clothes (I love to layer).
  • What bugs you most about your generation? What do you like the most about your generation?

I don't like how numb and desensitized my generation seems to be, there is nothing that is shocking or provocative enough to really hold our attention anymore. I don't really think that intellectual thought is a huge part of my generations existence.  I think that my generation is kind of antsy and some fantastic movements and changes are going to be propelled by my peers (and hopefully, myself). I like the hope that we hold.
  • What are you most attracted to in the same/opposite sex? Are you more for looks, or personality? What are you least attracted to?

I find that, regardless of gender, a quick wit and general kindness draws me to a person. I like to hang out with nice, funny people; usually, most of them are a bit 'off' in a lot of ways, but really, I enjoy their quirks and whatnot. Neurosis can be charming, in some circumstances. I don't really mind the outward appearance in general, but, hypothetically, if I was romantically attracted to someone, looks are very important to me. I don't want to pretend that a HUGE part of who I am/ what I want to be does not value aesthetics to an obsessive level. I like "pretty" boys, I've been told.
I don't like ignorance, cruelty, dismissal, belittlement, being referred to as a lesser, more diminutive person (not in size, but in presence and value), and over-all rudeness.
  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I will be almost 30 in 10 years...imagine that... I hope that I will be planning to be/a rather new parent with a fantastic house in a fantastic city, married to a awesome guy who does awesome stuff and I want to be able to make a significant amount of money due to my creative endeavors. Oh, and I want to have some cats and maybe a goat. Goats are cool.  <But seriously, that's heavy.
  • Do you feel protective over someone?

I most definitely do. I want to fix everyone's's a problem.
  • If you could trade places with anyone for a week, who would it be and why?

Ashley Olsen. I would trade places with her because I really respect the Olsen twins in may regards and I find Mary-Kate fascinating and it would be cool to have such a strong bond with her (as I pretend to be her sister :P) I also want to learn all about their clothing lines and and see how everything works at Dualstar.
  • What would be the hardest and most fearful thing you would have to face in your lifetime? Why does this scare you so much?

Just not living up to my potential. I get terribly self-aware at some points and see exactly how far I can go with everything I've been given and everything I've worked for up to now, and really it scares me so badly. If I don't become the best person I can become, then my presence here is...not unimportant, but rather tragic really. I don't want to be someone who "could have been"... I want to take life for all it has to give me, but sometimes I forget and sink into apathy and self-doubt. I constantly need people to remind me that I don't suck and I'm not going to die. (sigh)
  • What doe you honestly think about your looks? Do they cross your mind much?

Honestly, the way I look is almost always the first thing on my mind, as shallow as that sounds. I am always concerned with how I look and how I present myself. I have found that I have better days when I look good, so I try to facilitate that...also...I think I'm vain.... -____-
  • What is your biggest pet peeve? Why?

I hate being pushed/grabbed. I don't like to be forced around at all. It's disrespectful and unnecessary.
  • Do you believe in social classes?

To say I believe that social classes do not exist would be not only ignorant of me, but a total lie. I definitely believe social classes to exist, but I don't think that they are to be perpetuated and I think that more efforts to 'break the cycles' of many things (poverty, abuse, drug addiction, unwanted pregnancy etc.) should be  made. Though, elitism, in a way is kind of interesting and a little fun (if you’re in on the game).
  • Do you think it's better to have a few close friends or a lot of acquaintances? What do you have?

There are pro's and con's to both structures of relationships...I have a bit of both, but I prefer to have close friends because I want to know I can depend on them and they on me. It’s easier this way.

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